Are There Venomous Spiders in Maryland and Virginia?

Last updated: 9/21/2021
Estimated read time: 6 minutes
Wondering about what venomous spiders can be found in Maryland and Virginia? Have no fear — the spider experts at BOG Pest Control can help answer your questions.

While it’s common (and totally normal) to be afraid of spiders, it’s important to know that most spiders won’t hurt you — they’re some of the most hardworking pests. Spiders play a crucial role in controlling other insects around your home. Even though there are benefits to having spiders around your home, chances are you still don’t want them anywhere near your sacred space — understandably so!

Harmful Spiders Found in Maryland

Luckily for us, there aren’t many venomous spiders in our area that pose an active threat to our health and safety. However, while most spiders in this area are not venomous, that doesn’t mean there aren’t other types that can cause harm to you if you get bitten.

  • Black widow spiders
  • Brown recluse spiders
  • Wolf spiders

While most of these spiders aren’t extremely common, and we don’t see many cases of them, they have been spotted in homes throughout Maryland and Virginia, and it’s important to distinguish them if needed.

Black Widow Spiders in Maryland

Black widow spiders are the most common venomous spiders in our area, but they tend to stay outdoors in their webs. These spiders are the only ones native to Maryland and Virginia that can cause serious harm. They are around a half-inch long, with the female black widow’s coloring normally a shiny black with a red hourglass marking on its underside. However, the marking on the underside can range from an hourglass to a dot and a yellowish-orange to a bright red. To be safe, stay away from a red and black spider in Maryland!

Black Widow Spider Bites

The black widow can inflict a painful bite that may end up being deadly to the young, elderly, and immunocompromised. However, only a small amount of venom can cause serious illness, with symptoms including:

  • Muscle cramps and spasms starting near the bite, spreading in severity for six to 12 hours
  • Chills, fever, nausea, and vomiting
  • Headache
  • Restlessness, shock, or stupor
  • Severe high blood pressure
  • Sweating
  • Severe stomach, back, or chest pain

If you or a loved one experiences these symptoms after being bitten by a spider, please call your doctor, hospital, or poison control center and follow their directions. Black widow spider bites are very dangerous and should lead to an immediate doctor’s visit as well as a call to a pest control company for safe removal.

Brown Recluse Spiders in Maryland

While the brown recluse isn’t native to our area, there have been a few rare instances one has taken a ride on packages from the midwest and southeast, where the recluse is all-too-common.

Make sure to check your luggage and packages after traveling, but luckily, we don’t need to worry about the poisonous brown recluse spider in Maryland or Virginia.

Wolf Spiders in Maryland

Wolf spiders are not very venomous, but their bites can be very painful and cause moderate itching. Wolf spiders appear furry with brown coloring and are usually a couple of inches when fully grown. They typically stay outside but look to come indoors in late fall when it starts to get chilly out.

Wolf spiders do not pose a large concern for residents in Maryland or Virginia unless the person bitten has allergies that may cause a reaction. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and seek medical attention.

Common Hiding Spots for Spiders

Spiders want to be left alone — which is why they’re normally found in dark, quiet places. So the best way to prevent spiders in your home is to eliminate the areas they hideout. The most common hiding spots for spiders are outlined below.

  1. In Your Vegetation: Spiders love to live in bushes, shrubs, plants, and other vegetation. Spiders do not intentionally live around homes, but the vegetation is a great place for them to thrive. Therefore, keep vegetation neatly trimmed—especially those directly around your home.
  2. Inside Your Clutter: Books, magazines, boxes, and other piles of clutter within your home, attic, or garage make for the perfect hiding spot for a spider to create a web or hide. Keep the indoors free of clutter and get rid of unnecessary piles of stuff around your home.
  3. In Closets and Corners Near the Ceiling: Closets are dark, cool, and typically quiet—making it the perfect hiding spot. While corners in the ceiling aren’t exactly hiding spots, spiders like to hang out here because it’s easier to find their prey.
  4. Under Rocks and Woodpiles: Very few people in our community have a wood-burning fireplace; this eliminates a favorite place for many varieties of spiders: a woodpile! However, do beware of spiders underneath rocks if you are doing work around your home. If you have a woodpile, try to keep it indoors or covered it firmly with a plastic material, such as a tarp.

How to Get Rid of Spiders & Prevent Them

While spiders may work hard for the environment, you probably and understandably still want to keep them far away from your home. There are 29 varieties of spiders in Maryland — not all of them have webs, but all of them prefer to be left alone. Therefore, getting rid of spiders in and around your home should always start with removing their webs. However, keep in mind that the presence of spider webs usually indicates that there’s a presence of other flies or bugs as well. Therefore, we recommend that you let a professional exterminator remove spider webs – especially if you suspect a poisonous spider is in that web!

The most common ways to get rid of spiders are:

  • Pesticides: One of the best ways to get rid of spiders is to use spidercide around corners, attics, basements, and garages. But it’s always best to let the professionals handle the use of pesticides!
  • Get rid of their meal: Spiders feast on other insects, so if you have an active infestation in your home, that could be drawing spiders in. Get rid of all other pests to avoid attracting spiders.
  • Dichotomous earth: You can distribute this around the perimeter of your home or in cracks and corners to kill spiders. The powder will cut a spider up as it walks across it, which will eventually kill it.
  • Seal cracks and holes: Spiders get inside your home through cracks, crevices, and gaps in doors and windows. Be sure to seal these up, so they don’t have easy access inside!

Eliminate Spider Infestations with B.O.G. Pest

Have a spider infestation that won’t budge? Or maybe you’re just looking for a surefire way to prevent them? Either way, B.O.G. Pest Control can help. We offer various pest control plans - starting at $49/month - that work to eliminate infestations and prevent future ones from occurring. We can eliminate a wide variety of spiders in the Maryland and Virginia areas!

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